Today we have been working very hard to get the invitation out for our charity event on Oct 2nd in Mariestad, Sweden. My daughter Stella, my father TorBjörn and my fiancée have putting many invitations in envelopes. It has been hard work to get all bits and pieces together but now we feel very happy once the invitations are out!

Our warmest welcome to everyone to join us in Mariestad in favor of our charity work in Nepal. All funds that we raise during this evening will go towards the re-building of our orphanage “Home of Hope” that was demolished during the earthquakes. During the evening there will be possibilities to buy art, photos from Nepal and our new book “Dreams of an Orphanage”. There will be entertainment and a 3-course meal is included. There are 330 tickets to be sold so I advise you to book quite fast if you are interested in joining.
You book on
3545 (you can choose English language). The cost is SEK 545:- + 40:- in adm
fee and that includes dinner, wine/beer and entertainment!


Hope we will see each other on Oct 2nd!

Sophie Lööf & Johan Magnusson
Lööf Foundation

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