7:00 I wake up to the bell ringing and I slept very well last night. How nice it was to sleep in a bed. Normally, I find the beds here at the monastery are quite hard but now it was wonderful after several weeks in a tent. I lie and think about how much fear, meaning, sorrow, joy, powerlessness, gratitude, frustration, love, hopelessness and hope I experienced these past weeks. It feels almost overwhelming when I think about it.

7:15 I start a clothing wash and say good morning to Pema. I make breakfast and today it is porridge with apple and cinnamon, coffee and cold orange juice! I eat together with Pema and Siri, a very nice breakfast. It beats me what good it is with people who live to give and help without more personal gain than their own sense of purpose and gratitude! Siri and Pema are two wonderful, loving and warm people and I appreciate them so much!

8:30 I go to meet Shyam and Karma at the monastery, Karma has brought all reporting to me that I need for the project monitoring while at home in Sweden again. On Sunday, the board of the Lööf Foundation are meeting and I’ll present my work and financial monitoring. Karma and Shyam are going with Pema and Siri to Ratankot but come back tomorrow again. Now I wash my sleeping bag.

11:00 I am going on Kathmandu’s streets to get more and better writing materials, need to prepare quite a lot for when I get home. I will also make drawings for the reconstruction of the Home of Hope and give it to the engineers here in Kathmandu before I go home.

13:00 Having lunch now at the Hyatt Regency hotel which is almost completely deserted. However, it has hundreds of tents and huts in their large garden which feels gratifying that they opened it up to people in need. It tasted so good with cooked food!

15:00 Back at the monastery now and I get started by connecting to wifi and sending images to Sophie from yesterday. She informs me of our intense schedule that awaits when I come home, it feels really fun and exciting. Only on Sunday, the Board of Loof Foundation, Monday is the interview with Mariestad newspaper, Tuesday board meeting in Partex where Sophie and I will talk to Partex board about our foundation’s work, Wednesday we’ll go to the radio station in Skövde and be live on air with during their morning broadcast, Thursday we lecture together with Ola Tornberg in Lyrestad, and on Friday, we will give a lecture at the Vadsbogymnasiet when they have special UN days. It will be a really busy week!

18:30 Cooking and eating goulash while drinking a beer and it taste so good! I wash the last of my clothes and now I start writing my diary.

19:10 The monastery’s monks return from another day of aid help. They go out with at least one truck every day with rice and other needed supplies to some remote villages. Today they went with two loads!

21:30 I wrote and sent two day diaries to Sophie, today via WiFi as Telia is no longer having special price with Nepal after the earthquake. So no telephone call today : (.  Luckily there is wifi here at the monastery.

22:00 Taking a shower now and going to bed!

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