
Our family home “Home of Hope” which is situated approx. 90 kilometers from Kathmandu has been really damaged by the earthquake on Saturday 25th April. We have received information that all the children have survived but that is all we know for now.

We have now started a collection of money to be able to start the re-building of the family home and also to be able to help the village people of Ratankot who are in urgent need at the moment.

From Sweden you can donate to BG 324-3565, mark you payment with “donation” and your name. Payments from other countries are made to IBAN SE03 5000 0000 0511 1101 0323 BIC/Swift ESSESESS, please mark your deposit with “donation” and your name.

The fund raising has now made it possible for us to send a representative from Lööf Foundation to the village Ratankot. Mr Johan Magnusson will leave for Nepal this week and stay for 3 weeks and his responsibility will be to lead the work with the re-building of Home of Hope, support the Home of Hope orphan children, support the school of Ratankot and the village people that are in urgent need for support. He will try and buy food and medicine in Kathmandu before he leaves for Ratankot. Johan will sleep in a tent, eat freeze-dried food that he has brought from Sweden and he will use water cleaning tablets in order to get safe drinking water. Johan will be totally self-sufficient which we believe to be very important – not to use the Nepalese supplies that are so needed for the Nepalese people. Johan is well educated construction worker and electrician. He is also educated in the army to lead in crises so we believe that Johan is well suited for the assignment. Johan will report from the village so we will be able to follow how the work progresses.

The inauguration was planned for June 6th but we do not know yet if that is possible or not. We will know more when Johan has reached the village. What we know is that we will do all we can to make Home of Hope ready so fast as we can so the children can move in!

We feels so grateful for all contribution, thank you!!! Your help is going to make a huge difference to the people in Nepal.

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Sophie Lööf May 4th, 2015

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